“...the sound or rather, the S O U N D! Big, bold, open, precise, detailed, balanced, so well formed and charming, just as Grado intended with the original foams but ... with a major difference - the bass! It not only that there is more of it, but it is quite new, like I’ve not heard it before. It is stronger, deeper, smoother and more defined.
Combined with the beautiful bass, there is also new colour to the mid range as well as brass, snares and other higher frequencies. I can’t described it in technical terms but there’s a touch of “luxury” to it. Overall there is a notable finesse and improvement on both previous foams!
... even listening to my collection on iPhone 7 is a pleasure difficult to believe. And - most importantly - with ANY type of music or film soundtrack. So not just jazz, classical or rock but even ambient, techno and house sound with a mighty weight to them yet as clear as anything.”
“With your pads, the GH1 gain bass authority, but without losing clarity. The high frequencies are less fatiguing but without losing their bite.
The signature does not change, but I find that my GH1 are improved on all levels: comfort, balance and timbre. They maintain their personality and they become subtly warmer which I like. With your leather pads, I rediscovered my headphones and I think your pads are a must have for the GH1. The sound is more catchy. They also are far better than the Grado G-cushions that some use - I have them too, but I’m not a big fan.
And I love the leather and how it feels. As for the foam, I think I prefer the gray non-reticulated, who keep my ears further from the driver.
A very nice discovery for me; you did a great job. Bravo and thanks for trying to improve the comfort of our Grado listening sessions.”
“Your extremely beautiful and comfortable earpads arrived today and I immediately put them on my GH2 (which is awesome, btw). Thank you for making these. They are really an amazing addition to the headphone... I would go as far as saying that Grado should actually contract you to do their earpads for the ‘special’ headphones such as limited editions...Since I wear glasses, the comfort issue is actually what got me to your pads in the first place, so for now, I also use the memory foam inserts. The difference in comfort is ridiculous. Also the merino is of course in another league in terms of comfort... It’s the best thing to come around in a long time and I’ve been a grado head for quite some time. :)...Really happy that you make these and I got a pair, don’t ever stop!”
“...the earpads and headband are both fantastic. The difference in comfort between these and the G cush pads is indescribable - superbly comfy...”
“Beautiful Audio’s Grado pads are game changers.
The upper midrange sheen softens up and vocals pushes stereo detail out wider... deeper, warmer and softer.
Silvian’s pads in place, both my RS-1 and my GH-2 are more comfortable than either the HD600 or the DT880. No mean feat.
Silvian’s mods are expertly engineered. Like all good engineering, they come at a price. Merino and leather feel great and should last forever and are more than worth the asking price.”
“The comfort is amazing. A hundred times better than the horrendous stock pads. I am using them on my Grado GH2 and it adds a pleasant warmth and richness to the sound...Grado should partner up with you!”
“Let’s not mince words here, these are beautiful, opulent, and exquisitely made additions to your favorite pair of Grados...
...the most comfortable headphones I’ve worn.
...sublimely comfortable wearing experience.
Clearly, these are excellent products. They succeed in every way, by making Grados far more fashionable, infinitely more comfortable and by creating a smoother and deeper textured sound.
They simply make your Grados better. A lot better.”